RAG - Home
Sustainability report 21|22


Address/Registered office

RAG Austria AG
1015 Vienna
Schwarzenbergplatz 16, Postfach 56

Commercial register number: FN 78563 i
Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court
DPR number: 0054917
VAT identification number: ATU14188902
Professional association membership: Austrian Petroleum Industry Association


T +43 50 724
F +43 50 724-388

Object of the company:

  1. Objects of the company are
    • a) exploration, prospection, storage, transportation, stocking, processing, buying, selling, importing and exporting liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons as well as trading with products made of the above materials;
    • b) construction, acquisition, in particular by buying or renting, as well as operation of pipelines and other facilities for the purposes mentioned in a) or promoting such purposes;
    • c) utilisation of deep water found during exploration of hydrocarbons and utilisation of thermal energy;
    • d) investment of any kind in companies as defined above;
    • e) implementation of measures and conducting business directly or indirectly serving, or being economically related with, the purposes or companies mentioned above, in particular acquisition of all types of permits under public or private law.
  2. The company is entitled to establish and operate in Austria branch offices or subsidiaries having similar business objects.

Legal notice

RAG Austria AG permanently reviews and updates information contained on this website. Regardless of all due care data may have changed in the meantime.

No warranty whatsoever is accepted for the topicality, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on this website. RAG Austria AG reserves the right to change the information provided (additions, restrictions and the like).

No liability is assumed for contents of external websites to which this website refers via direct or indirect hyperlinks. The provider of the respective external website or external information has sole liability for such websites.

No liability whatsoever is accepted for any material or immaterial damage caused by using information presented on this website, even if such information is incorrect or incomplete.

All texts, graphs, pictures, logos and the like contained in this website are protected by copyright. Any use beyond personal use and duplication (storing, printing, sending etc) of information (texts, graphs, pictures, logos etc) contained in this website is admissible only with the explicit approval of RAG Austria AG.


GGK MULLENLOWE: www.ggk-mullenlowe.com
Marianne Prutsch Werbeagentur: www.marianneprutsch.com


WEBprofil - Gernot Ploiner e.U.: www.webprofil.at


Archive RAG
Karin Lohberger Photography: karinlohberger.com
Christian Husar Fotografie: christian-husar.com
Steve Haider: stevehaider.com
Kevin Volger – Volgergrafie: volgergrafie.at
Zopf Photography: zopf-photography.com
istockphoto.com, freepik.com, pixabay.com​​​​​​​


Samuel Käppeli: film-pla.net